Hi Aaron, there was a huge amount of pressure on many fronts to get vaxxed. I'm self employed and have always said never buy a brand new model of car - wait a couple of years and a facelift or two until they sort out all the problems. My neighbours treated me like a leper, and expressed their concern I might die because I'm older. However now they have all had covid at least once or twice, they are talking to me again.
Do I feel good about any of this? Absolutely not. I'm deeply concerned about how politicised this became and how we were treated like sheep by masters who must be obeyed. None of us a second class citizens.
The lesson is we mustn't allow the bastards to get away with it. This treasonous Labour government must at the very least be punished at the polls. As for their former leader... the stupid bitch can rot in hell.
Unknown member
Jan 30, 2023
Look. I'm a,tradesman. 35 years.
And I know bullshit when I see it.
I'm not anti Vax. But I hate the relentless and Completely deceitful and unnecessary push that , in the end, as I knew it would Be, a waste of time.
Look. You ingest, what you like, into your bodies. I'm vaxxed. But no way in hell will I ever see those that , vilified and victctorius now, ,that chose the hard route to truth, be treated as tin hat wearers. Because. You're not. Know this.
It's people like me , that caved, and are ashamed, that owe people like you a great deal. We knew. Oh yeah.
We knew alright.
To all of those amongst you that just had a gutsfull, and had the courage and fortitude to say no?
I salute you. And I feel like a coward.
The Anger, amongst us, the coerced, is rising
I'll never forget, or forgive what they did. Believe me..I won't. I hate them for what they did to me, but most of all, I hate what they did to ordinary people that had just had enough.
Covid booster doses will no longer be available to healthy people under 50 from next month, the UK Government has said. The reason given by the JCVI, the Government’s vaccine advisory body, is because “the transition continues away from a pandemic emergency response towards pandemic recovery”. To my mind the real reason is they know the vaccines are maming and murdering (is that too strong? alright) killing people and can no longer hide the truth; they're trying to slow the disaster down and it's not working. Nothing is more important that arresting, taking to trial and punishing the stakeholders and politicians responsible. We want justice!
Hi, I'm a pragmatist and can spot trends that sometimes really disturb me. Way back in early 2020 when the WuFlu became known as a global pandemic there were a bunch of things that really didn't add up. I'm someone that doesn't believe in coincidence or conspiracy... in my opinion, people are opportunists who like to hop on band wagons to feel a part of something bigger than themselves.
After a bit of study I was satisfied WuFlu was just another Climate Cooling/Warming/Change (you decide) band wagon, and by 2021 it had been utilised by a bunch of grifters (aka politicians) to condition people into getting used to greater control and loss of freedom.
As an outlier, it occurred to me there are people among us that are are infected with something I determined as useful idiot syndrome. My offical name for it became UIS-21 in keeping with the modern trend of Covid-19. UIS-21 syndrome is capable of destroying nations and cultures when around 33% of the population become infected. It's so much more deadly than Covid-19 I had to detail it in a book in a way that would appeal to many - understanding this insidious syndrome is key to breaking free from the grifters who benefit from it.
Available from Apple Bookstore and soon to be on Amazon.
Hi Aaron, there was a huge amount of pressure on many fronts to get vaxxed. I'm self employed and have always said never buy a brand new model of car - wait a couple of years and a facelift or two until they sort out all the problems. My neighbours treated me like a leper, and expressed their concern I might die because I'm older. However now they have all had covid at least once or twice, they are talking to me again.
Do I feel good about any of this? Absolutely not. I'm deeply concerned about how politicised this became and how we were treated like sheep by masters who must be obeyed. None of us a second class citizens.
The lesson is we mustn't allow the bastards to get away with it. This treasonous Labour government must at the very least be punished at the polls. As for their former leader... the stupid bitch can rot in hell.
Look. I'm a,tradesman. 35 years.
And I know bullshit when I see it.
I'm not anti Vax. But I hate the relentless and Completely deceitful and unnecessary push that , in the end, as I knew it would Be, a waste of time.
Look. You ingest, what you like, into your bodies. I'm vaxxed. But no way in hell will I ever see those that , vilified and victctorius now, ,that chose the hard route to truth, be treated as tin hat wearers. Because. You're not. Know this.
It's people like me , that caved, and are ashamed, that owe people like you a great deal. We knew. Oh yeah.
We knew alright.
To all of those amongst you that just had a gutsfull, and had the courage and fortitude to say no?
I salute you. And I feel like a coward.
The Anger, amongst us, the coerced, is rising
I'll never forget, or forgive what they did. Believe me..I won't. I hate them for what they did to me, but most of all, I hate what they did to ordinary people that had just had enough.
I mean everything I say here.
Covid booster doses will no longer be available to healthy people under 50 from next month, the UK Government has said. The reason given by the JCVI, the Government’s vaccine advisory body, is because “the transition continues away from a pandemic emergency response towards pandemic recovery”. To my mind the real reason is they know the vaccines are maming and murdering (is that too strong? alright) killing people and can no longer hide the truth; they're trying to slow the disaster down and it's not working. Nothing is more important that arresting, taking to trial and punishing the stakeholders and politicians responsible. We want justice!
Hi, I'm a pragmatist and can spot trends that sometimes really disturb me. Way back in early 2020 when the WuFlu became known as a global pandemic there were a bunch of things that really didn't add up. I'm someone that doesn't believe in coincidence or conspiracy... in my opinion, people are opportunists who like to hop on band wagons to feel a part of something bigger than themselves.
After a bit of study I was satisfied WuFlu was just another Climate Cooling/Warming/Change (you decide) band wagon, and by 2021 it had been utilised by a bunch of grifters (aka politicians) to condition people into getting used to greater control and loss of freedom.
As an outlier, it occurred to me there are people among us that are are infected with something I determined as useful idiot syndrome. My offical name for it became UIS-21 in keeping with the modern trend of Covid-19. UIS-21 syndrome is capable of destroying nations and cultures when around 33% of the population become infected. It's so much more deadly than Covid-19 I had to detail it in a book in a way that would appeal to many - understanding this insidious syndrome is key to breaking free from the grifters who benefit from it.
Available from Apple Bookstore and soon to be on Amazon.