Don, you state in your artical about Mayor Jepson, "Yes, the Maori language is one of New Zealand’s official languages (with sign language being the other official language),".
Why is English, the language the overwhelming majority of New Zealanders speak, the language that is the heritage of that majority, the international languange of trade, science, mathematics, medicine, and engineering (to name a few), not an NZ official language ? What is the story behind the legislation that defines the 'official languages of NZ', and who was responsible for passing it ? I don't think people are aware that their language is actively being marginalised.
It is clear that the racists are those claiming to be racially villified. It is the same in "West NZ" (the big area of dirt to the left). Clearly racists have infected systems (as is the case over here too) and use systems to effect their personal prejudices .... and woe to 'he' who uncovers the scams for they will belabelled forever as "RACIST". In fact, this is part of a bigger picture that has already done considerable damage, and will kill our respective nations with division and hate.