Administrator7 days ago5 min readDR BRYCE EDWARDS: Democracy Briefing: Foundations of a constitutional crisis?
AdministratorNov 244 min readCALEB ANDERSON: The Emergence of a State Religion and the Deification of the Treaty
AdministratorNov 231 min readRODNEY'S REFLECTIONS: The National Hikoi Protesting the Treaty Principles Bill
AdministratorNov 183 min readROB MacCULLOCH: Now We Know how NZ's economy became broken: The Judiciary wrote a Communist-style Constitution without Consultation; without People Knowing
AdministratorNov 123 min readROB MacCULLOCH: A $10 billion welfare bailout to keep Sir Bob Jones afloat & save NZ's only shrinking City, Wellington, by the rest of us, is unacceptable
AdministratorNov 101 min readDAVID SEYMOUR interviewed by JENNY-MAY CLARKSON on TVNZ Breakfast about the Treaty Principles Bill introduced to parliament Nov 8