I just shake my head and think of yesteryear, times were good and simple, we all had a station to fill if one wanted, give something back to ones country, not now it is all about talking and demanding as much as possible, or as much as one can get away with, something for nothing seems to be the new catch call.
An international perspective, ignored locally of course.
the country is imploding........and MSM says 'nothing to see here'........
When are we going to get 10 Labour MPs resigning to force a new election?
I just shake my head and think of yesteryear, times were good and simple, we all had a station to fill if one wanted, give something back to ones country, not now it is all about talking and demanding as much as possible, or as much as one can get away with, something for nothing seems to be the new catch call.
Vote for Little and you get even Less. How can these people sleep at night?