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Cartoon of the Day

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Aug 15, 2022

All this bullshit about middle New Zealand and one has to tread carefully, Luxon needs to tell the people of this what they will lose if co-gov goes ahead, not the bullshit he is offering, tax cuts and all the other rubbish, those middle class need to release that if the socialists prevail they wont have to worry about getting some dollars by the simple reason their business's will have been taken over through co-gov, the farmers will also lose their farms, think about it you want to export your products, sorry bro you can only do that if you are co-owned, you want to send your stock to the meat works, sorry the meat works will only buy stock…

Aug 16, 2022
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We are looking at a jig saw puzzle, each little piece seems kind of none threatening, join them all together and the real picture is revealed, Luxon needs to create that picture so the common man come women come what ever we are now can see what is install for all of us none maori, not a nice picture for the next young white and dear I say young maori of the future.


Aug 15, 2022

I'm tired of this. Is Luxon perfect ... probably not.

Are you?

Is anyone?

Is he not ardern?

Aug 15, 2022
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That is the job of ACT vote for what you want don't vote for a group that has drifted elsewhere.

The world is now MMP driven not FPP


Aug 15, 2022

Luxon is like a deer in the headlights......he is so woke he looks weak & vulnerable and Ardern knows it. The media play him like a fiddle, he falls for their condescending attitude and mistakes it for someone that gives a damn.

They will eat him when they are good and ready......he needs to either grow some gonads and face the country with some real opposition or move on and stop forever thinking about being prime minister.....this country is doomed to the garbage bin under Labour and I don't see Luxon as our saviour.....

Aug 15, 2022
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STRATEGY.....To win a war you need a plan....

  1. expose the enemy.....Ardern and co

  2. do not treat the media as your friend...when they set a trap be ready, take control and expose their bias

  3. connect with the voters.....have public rallies and inform the masses

  4. drop the 'nice guy' it is interpreted as weakness and is exploited by the enemy

  5. get 'street smart' - meet the people, all the people - the challenge is to get heard by as many as possible, from the ground up

  6. get onto other platforms; ie The Platform - get your message heard far and wide

  7. if Luxon is to save this country, HE NEEDS TO LISTEN carefully and adopt policies that advantage THIS country NOT the…


Geoff Drewett
Geoff Drewett
Aug 15, 2022

Yes Luxon is scared to give a strong opinion on anything. How disappointing. We needed him to speak out, strongly condemning all the garbage we're faced with - Co-governance, use of the false name "aotearoa" ( small case deliberate ) Repeated use of the primitive Maori language by the media, ALL divisions that have been drawn on racial grounds. I'm sure that by now sufficient Kiwis will have seen the light and would vote him in

Aug 15, 2022
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Let's see your policy....


Aug 15, 2022

Luxo's only stuck because the National party and a coming election are getting in the way of him going full blown woke colonial apologist with rainbow

coloured climate alarmist bells on.

Aug 16, 2022
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I was unhappy with Nationals climate policy but have found out since that National is supportive of Bjorn Lomborg, climate change economist.

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