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Cartoon of the Day

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17 תגובות

18 ביולי 2021

People are not going to like me saying this but as much as I respect Judith and David they are not showing leadership qualities. It is not up to the farmers to lead the charge is it? People on these blog sites or individuals like Muriel Newman or Karl du Fresne should be supporters not instigators of changing the unwanted policies.

We need to know the opposition parties are already putting together a legal framework to repeal all the unwanted legislation that, as you all say and rightly so, will be pushed through before the next election. They should have been shouting through loud speakers yesterday at the receptive crowd but they weren't.

I think we almost need a three…


18 ביולי 2021

This Government has paid $51 million dollars to the Media to push the Maori language and this is the reason why New Zealand is never mentioned . We are being politically manipulated on how we think on Maori issues.


17 ביולי 2021

The more we separate our society into two divisions the more the children will be at risk.

It is now no longer about solving issues for this Government but rather about vote catching. Pretty sad really.

We no longer have a media drawing consistant attention to these problems. We can surely see that through the lacklustre coverage of Groundswell and the MSM not requiring the PM to respond adequately to it? We need much stronger voices in our parliament. The Opposition can't just keep following the well trodden path as it's not working for at least 50% of New Zealanders.

When will either National or Act actually say they are reversing the present Governments policies if elected?

Are we going…

18 ביולי 2021
בתשובה לפוסט של

'Closer to the next election' assumes that there will still be enough people left who haven't already been so deeply indoctrinated by then as to have accepted Maorification.


17 ביולי 2021

It would seem that when the name of a govt department is changed from English to Maori it immediately loses face and becomes inefficient. NZTA (now Whacky Coat hangars) is going the same way. Housing New Zealand, which encompasses all of us, is now - whatever - and is totally out of its depth. You can scare a child by warning him that if he isn't good the Orange Tamarickies will come for him.

18 ביולי 2021
בתשובה לפוסט של

The other day a stranger called to me "kia ora", to which I replied "Korea! North and South to you too." I was tempted to say something very rude in another language but I refrained. I don't think I'll be restrained next time.

I spent most of my adult life living under a supremacist group (in South Africa), who pushed their minority language down our throats, and tried to indoctrinate with their world view and customs. Ain't gonna happen again, my friend JA! I promise you.


17 ביולי 2021

What you have to wonder is what has changed in this organisation apart from its name.

It doesn't need a Minister to state the bleedin obvious that there is 'the need for change'. Rather, what should such an organisation look like, how should that be measured, how are those measures to be realised (plans, budget, people), and by when? Those are the types of questions that we should expect a Children's Minister who has been in the position for 7 months now to have already answered.

18 ביולי 2021
בתשובה לפוסט של

Surely the same questions should be asked of any group or organisation that has been given large sums of money from the taxpayers. e.g. the Mongrel Mob. 70 million to tribe based justice, 900 million to maori for covid relief, 1 billion for maori housing and education, 98 million for maori health authority, 300 million to recapitalise NZ Green Investments Finance (whoever that its) 60 million cultural fund to teach those Southland pakeha farmers some cultural knowledge, We, the taxpayers, demand full accounting. And if it is not forthcoming with the excuse 'we spent it all', then those people should be accused of fraud, sentenced and put in jail. This is taxpayers money she's throwing around on her virtue signalling…

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