The money the government stumped up plus what the council put in would have covered the losses of the yacht club There would also be businesses in Auckland and elsewhere who lost money on the deal From memory the cup has racked up losses every where it has been held [on paper ] The advantage to the country is in publicity Americans in the main didnt know where nz was until we pinched their cup Then we pinched it again and they sure knew where we were then
The people elected to serve us are an absolute disgrace.
I have nothing against the spectacle of the Americas cup. The issue is about more taxpayers money being constantly, as Garrick says so rightly,squandered.
Another issue is that the taxpayer is also funding the legal proceedings to take all the sea and foreshore away from us as well. Yes, take that in folks. The Government is funding this case against you. Where are the Opposition Parties voices? Only 37 thousand people have signed the petition against these 200 separate court cases taking our seashore away! So you might have the boats but you won't have the water to stage the event? We have to fund our own legal proceedings. Wha…
Am not a yachtie, but still very much agree with Robin G. These losses are one of the very few that cannot be laid at the door of this hopeless Government. They're part of the impact of an unforeseeable pandemic on tourism, hospitality and in this case lucrative yachting services.
Generally it would in my view be more credible if criticisms of this Government were more carefully targeted, rather than dropping a ton of bricks because it's Labour, otherwise we're in danger of exhibiting the same tribal behaviour of which the woke left is so rightly accused.
Bravo ron you finally got it The problem is not party it is politicians Just like the supermarket two chains doesnt a competition make So two parties doesnt make for competition either
I don't know how the yachting club ran at a loss
The people elected to serve us are an absolute disgrace.
I have nothing against the spectacle of the Americas cup. The issue is about more taxpayers money being constantly, as Garrick says so rightly,squandered.
Another issue is that the taxpayer is also funding the legal proceedings to take all the sea and foreshore away from us as well. Yes, take that in folks. The Government is funding this case against you. Where are the Opposition Parties voices? Only 37 thousand people have signed the petition against these 200 separate court cases taking our seashore away! So you might have the boats but you won't have the water to stage the event? We have to fund our own legal proceedings. Wha…
Bit of a shame it went that way... hopefully the challenge will be here and we can recoup the loss.......
Am not a yachtie, but still very much agree with Robin G. These losses are one of the very few that cannot be laid at the door of this hopeless Government. They're part of the impact of an unforeseeable pandemic on tourism, hospitality and in this case lucrative yachting services.
Generally it would in my view be more credible if criticisms of this Government were more carefully targeted, rather than dropping a ton of bricks because it's Labour, otherwise we're in danger of exhibiting the same tribal behaviour of which the woke left is so rightly accused.
Yes, and to their shame, the ODT banned them a couple of years ago.