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Cartoon of the Day

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24 de abr. de 2021

we have saved the first human beings that arrived in our country from both eating and killing and each and thru evolution our county is now one people because their is now no "Full Bred Maori" left in our great and fair country because we have all bred with each other and is a matter that must be articulated in both our "Families and Schools" we should be proud of what we have achieved because we have stopped them from both killing and eating each other !!!

Kathryn Elizabeth Truscott
Kathryn Elizabeth Truscott
25 de abr. de 2021
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The first people to live in NZ were all killed by the Maori once they arrived. The presence of these people is well documented (orally) in their own history, so "indigenous" (even as 'first occupiers') just doesn't wash....


22 de abr. de 2021

What is seriously needed is a very high power group of influential like minds to approach our Govennor General to implement the wording of the treaty as written hence we are all New Zealanders regardless of colour race or creed, she as our Queens representative would should have the authority to do so.

25 de abr. de 2021
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well said but it does not go far enough and clearly we do not have the leadership to make it happen and can only get worse


22 de abr. de 2021

Accurate but scary cartoon. This Ardern led Marxsist/communist government stuff is just getting worse and worse. Someone who knows how to organise needs to arrange a protest march up Queen Street, I for one would be there rain or shine for sure!


22 de abr. de 2021

These are serious times indeed. I never thought I'd see this happening in my lifetime and I know you all feel the same. I am seriously concerned about New Zealand and what this country will look like as my children grow up within it.

We, as a freedom loving group of people, need to get the word out there, wake our friends and family up. I'm guilty of not doing enough and I've watched many of my family and friends doing their own thing, leading busy distracted lives and not paying enough attention to the hole this government is taking us. Muriel Newman has an excellent site, which I think is a good starting point. Remember you only vote for communis…

vic alborn
vic alborn
22 de abr. de 2021
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I have written to 18 City/District/Regional councils expressing my concerns about the "thin edge" of Maori "co-governance" (being Maori Wards). Time consuming loading all the councillors' email addresses but necessary.


ann murray
ann murray
22 de abr. de 2021

I live in Taupo..a small town run by a very wealthy, racist tribe Tuwharetoa , they set the standards of how the town is run. The mayor bows to them in almost every council matter. They have recently purchased a rest home, Monte vista...full of elderly frail "white" folks. Iv attended several of their tribes meetings, (re lake issues) and the racism that emulates from them is very worrying. Im glad my Dad is no longer living there (at the rest home) . I hope their distaste in white people doesn't run through to the care the elderly receive at this rest home.

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