Sir Ngatata Love was sentenced to 30 months jail and loss of mana in 2016 for misappropriating money from his iwi' while Chairman of the Wellington Tenths Trust.
Foolish man, if only he had waited, he could have lined his pockets while retaining his rank and dignity.
It may surprise many New Zealanders, but a growing number of Maori are fed up with the Waitangi Tribunal, and the entire Treaty gravy train.
There is a stereotype of Maori collecting millions of dollars in settlement money and living the easy life. The reality is very different. Here are a few facts:
1. The Tribunal makes up history as it goes along. A growing number of New Zealand historians are pointing this out, although most of them are labelled as racist for doing so. Facts are omitted in Tribunal reports, and evidence is shaped in some cases to fit predetermined outcomes…
Fantastic David, the Tribunal is not about people, it is about power and growing rich for some greedy arseholes brown and white at a cost to our country and future generations.
True Pat, but we didn't ask for any of this tyranny did we? I don't recall Jacinda even hinting at the nightmare of He Pua Pua prior to being elected. Now look where we are! Callous disregard towards democracy and freedom thanks to Winston Peter's having it in for National. I wonder how he feels about that rush of blood to the head nowadays? Yet Labour are still doing quite well in the polls thanks to our bribed media who will one day be held accountable if this diabolical legislation ever sees the light of day!
barriergold is absolutely correct.. We are now as good as the French at surrendering. maniacal mania has us where she wants us under her jackboot where we belong because we are not staunch enough to take a stand.
I wonder how many saw the cartoon which showed a monopoly board being held up by four me bent double with the board on their backs with the caption " if they stand up game over "
Once again, we need to remember that it's not ALL Maoris. It's only a few supremacists will benefit on the back of our hard work. Mahuta is related to the Maori King. And who does he represent? I don't know. But I'm willing to bet he doesn't represent all Maoris. Just as I'm totally sure that ordinary Maoris are going to be robbed, just as we are. Let's celebrate those who are part of the solution (the people who do an honest day's work) and leave the derision for those who aren't (the bludgers and the politicians.).
Sir Ngatata Love was sentenced to 30 months jail and loss of mana in 2016 for misappropriating money from his iwi' while Chairman of the Wellington Tenths Trust.
Foolish man, if only he had waited, he could have lined his pockets while retaining his rank and dignity.
A Maori Chieftain speaks out.
David Rankin, Ngapuhi kaumatua.
Direct descendant of Hone Heke.
A part-Maori with mana.
It may surprise many New Zealanders, but a growing number of Maori are fed up with the Waitangi Tribunal, and the entire Treaty gravy train.
There is a stereotype of Maori collecting millions of dollars in settlement money and living the easy life. The reality is very different. Here are a few facts:
1. The Tribunal makes up history as it goes along. A growing number of New Zealand historians are pointing this out, although most of them are labelled as racist for doing so. Facts are omitted in Tribunal reports, and evidence is shaped in some cases to fit predetermined outcomes…
I've always thought that she reminds me of the horrible Robert Mugabe!
It's hard to believe that this is happening in our country. 😥
barriergold is absolutely correct.. We are now as good as the French at surrendering. maniacal mania has us where she wants us under her jackboot where we belong because we are not staunch enough to take a stand. I wonder how many saw the cartoon which showed a monopoly board being held up by four me bent double with the board on their backs with the caption " if they stand up game over "
Once again, we need to remember that it's not ALL Maoris. It's only a few supremacists will benefit on the back of our hard work. Mahuta is related to the Maori King. And who does he represent? I don't know. But I'm willing to bet he doesn't represent all Maoris. Just as I'm totally sure that ordinary Maoris are going to be robbed, just as we are. Let's celebrate those who are part of the solution (the people who do an honest day's work) and leave the derision for those who aren't (the bludgers and the politicians.).