People who think owning a firearm and using it against another in defense of their personal realm are deluding themselves. Defending Life Liberty and the family home are great ideals, but the fantasy doesn't measure up to the reality. Pointing a gun at somebody and using it are two different scenario's.
Over the years I've known a few dysfunctional individuals who carried firearms and lived on the fringe of so called civilized society. They believed carry a gun elevated them onto another level of power and control and above all else they believed doing so earned them the respect of others.
Many are now dead from gunshot wounds themselves and others have spent long periods in prison contemplating where …
No offence taken. I do not live in fear of anything really.. too old for that. I am, too, unaggressive by nature.I do have plans for the unlikely event of my house catching fire in the night, or indeed hearing someone smashing their way into my house. Instead of behaving like a stunned mullet, I have a viable plan of action. As I have a lot of guns that I use on the range at my club, they figure in the plans for two reasons. I don't want a criminal to steal them, obviously, and they are the ultimate means of my survival should the invader not take the hint and go away, but choose to try to harm me.My…
Yes.... (my father helped clean up the Belsen Bergen concentration camp in 1945), but like those Jewish citizens back then we are reluctant to act unlawfully when asked to register our guns, which this government wants to do. Pistols have always been registered in NZ and since 2020 554 have been taken from criminals of which XFOUR were found to have been registered at some time. The register is never accurate anyway, which is why it was abandoned in 1989, which was before handguns were allowed at all.I think the aim is total civilian disarmament. After the handguns it will be ALL self loaders (now only shotguns and .22 rifles as all the centre fire ones were banned last year),…
I take seriously my responsibility to defend and protect my family against ANY threat, criminal, invasive or politically tyrannical. So I have my firearms license and legal tools to support that responsibility. I'm not prepared to put my trust in a system that relies on so-called deterrents (criminal prosecution/penalties) and timely police response (let's be real). The founding fathers of the USA had it right.
20 years of living in and around the back country of the Northern Wairarapa, rifles and shotguns were essential tools to help put food on the table and to stop pests of all persuasions stripping the garden of its bounty.
Circumstances changed and I relocated to a more civilized environment where the only hunting I did was for bargains on supermarket shelves.
With my firearms license in need of renewal and no longer wanting the hassle associated owning my specialist tools from another life, I decided to legally dispose of my guns. I cut up my firearms license as a form of ritual cleansing and went through a short period mourning as I transitioned from gunslinger to mudslinger.
Some years ago in the USA I asked why everyone had guns. The reply was that one day they would have to defend themselves against their government. I didn't understand what he meant - until now. This isn't a farce. This is a serious attempt to de-weaponise the public.
You are right, while criminal gangs openly defy police and tell them that they will never hand in their guns.The UN wants ALL civilians disarmed worldwide..... now why do you think that might be? (yes it's sarcasm)
People who think owning a firearm and using it against another in defense of their personal realm are deluding themselves. Defending Life Liberty and the family home are great ideals, but the fantasy doesn't measure up to the reality. Pointing a gun at somebody and using it are two different scenario's.
Over the years I've known a few dysfunctional individuals who carried firearms and lived on the fringe of so called civilized society. They believed carry a gun elevated them onto another level of power and control and above all else they believed doing so earned them the respect of others.
Many are now dead from gunshot wounds themselves and others have spent long periods in prison contemplating where …
My Jewish family gave up their guns, and were law-abiding in WW2.
That went well, didn't it.
Don't EVER hand in the sole means you have of defending your family.
I take seriously my responsibility to defend and protect my family against ANY threat, criminal, invasive or politically tyrannical. So I have my firearms license and legal tools to support that responsibility. I'm not prepared to put my trust in a system that relies on so-called deterrents (criminal prosecution/penalties) and timely police response (let's be real). The founding fathers of the USA had it right.
20 years of living in and around the back country of the Northern Wairarapa, rifles and shotguns were essential tools to help put food on the table and to stop pests of all persuasions stripping the garden of its bounty.
Circumstances changed and I relocated to a more civilized environment where the only hunting I did was for bargains on supermarket shelves.
With my firearms license in need of renewal and no longer wanting the hassle associated owning my specialist tools from another life, I decided to legally dispose of my guns. I cut up my firearms license as a form of ritual cleansing and went through a short period mourning as I transitioned from gunslinger to mudslinger.
A couple…
Some years ago in the USA I asked why everyone had guns. The reply was that one day they would have to defend themselves against their government. I didn't understand what he meant - until now. This isn't a farce. This is a serious attempt to de-weaponise the public.