The non-challenged New Zealand narrative is that housing costs are a major driver of child poverty.
Rents are unaffordable, houses are damp and mouldy, and children go hungry and ill as a consequence.
Consider these newly released graphs from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (DPMC) as part of the Child Poverty Related Indicators Report May 2021:
Asian children live in homes with the highest ratio of housing- to- income costs.
Asian children have the lowest experience of damp, mouldy homes.
Asian children are the least likely to go hungry.
Looks a lot to me like Asians prioritise renting or buying at the limit of their capability; that they seek better properties and better neighbourhoods and take responsibility for any damp or mould; and that even on tight budgets they know how to feed their kids.
Asian parents give lie to the New Zealand narrative.
Lindsay Mitchell blogs here.
Growing up in the Lower Hutt of the 1950-60's, I was under the impression most greengrocer shops were owned by people of an oriental persuasion.
Moving to the back country of the North Wairarapa or Southern Hawkes Bay depending on ones preference, the local green grocer shop was owned and worked by a Chinese family. When not in school, the son and daughter would help in the shop.
The father alluded to customers that his wife didn't speak english, but when serving customers the lady had no problems with the language of money and would do all her calculations on an abacus which was a joy to watch. I suspected the "no speak the english" was a clever way …
This article isn't at the high level of many others from this site.
Obviously these two things can be true at the same time:
(1) Groups that disproportionately occupy the wealthy half of society own more expensive homes and yet do just fine (they're rich).
(2) The *overall* high cost of housing can exacerbate the consequences of low income for groups disproportionately found at the bottom end.
The basis of child poverty: single parenting and welfare. Both these problems are fixable but a communist / socialist government will never do it. Why? Because (a) a family unit is the bedrock of a stable society and (b) the more people on welfare the more slaves (i.e. votes). Any half-decent government would encourage marriage and thus stable families and help people get off welfare.
Weak family and people reliant on government are the communist manifesto for power and control.
The most relevant statistic (not that those listed in this post are not very importan) is schooling: attendance, completion, 3 x R). That’s the key and Asians have it aplenty. Fix that and you fix the rest.
Are there any comparative statistics on average family size?