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Have you been wondering why there is so little debate about co-governance in the daily papers, on television and on Radio New Zealand? I’m talking about the schemes that are being hatched by Maori radicals in the Beehive with support elsewhere for giving Maori extra votes in local government, a controlling power in the new public health structure and in Nanaia Mahuta’s radical restructuring of fresh water, drainage and sewerage. In effect, an end to the principle of one person-one vote enshrined in our central and local government structure since women got the vote in 1893. Why are articles and press releases being sent by distinguished New Zealanders, ordinary individuals and members of Parliament to the mainstream media (MSM) questioning co-governance, going straight into the waste-paper buckets in editorial rooms? And while this happens, Mahuta and her Cabinet colleagues, Willie Jackson and Health Minister Andrew Little, push ahead with legislation destroying democracy as we have known it? What is happening to the media that were once the bulwarks of fair debate?

The core of the problem stems from the fact that these days people get their news and participate in debates in such a myriad of ways that advertising revenue sustaining newspapers and TV has followed readers to those new mediums, affecting the bottom lines for the MSM. Newspapers in particular have shed journalists because revenue from advertising subsided. The New Zealand Herald’s company, NZME’s share price on the stock exchange nearly went out the back door until a scheme was devised with the Labour government to rescue it. The Public Interest Journalism Fund was established early last year to pay out grants to the MSM to keep them afloat. But these grants have come at a heavy cost. Labour ministers realized that if they were going to pay out taxpayers’ money to the MSM then they could extract a price from those in charge of producing the news that would benefit them and their schemes. Ministers insisted that recipients of grants had to respect “Te Tiriti”. This is not the version of the Treaty that you and I knew about, the Maori version of which was translated so well by Sir Hugh Kawharu in 1986. It guaranteed all of Queen Victoria’s subjects “the same rights and duties of citizenship as the people of England”. Oh no! “Te Tiriti” is a Johnny-come-lately version, full of bullswool notions about partnership and special privileges for those with any scintilla of Maori ancestry that weren’t even dreamt about in 1840. We are forbidden to mention the fact that today there are no full Maori left, and that the bulk of those most vocal on the hunt for advantage are almost entirely European in their DNA.

In order to get access to the money, editors at the Herald, the Press and others, and at TV broke the age-old golden rule that all the news fit to print would be printed. Letters columns, news stories, op-eds are all being censored these days because not to do so might expose the recipient to an obligation to repay the government grants already received. The initial $55 million in the fund is running down and the MSM is starting to wonder whether the Public Interest Journalism Fund will continue to exist after the next election. In the meantime, editors are being extremely cautious. Lots of facts aren’t being mentioned. Did you know, for instance, that Nanaia Mahuta was attending the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting taking place this weekend in Africa? Pretty extraordinary to have Jacinda Ardern’s Rasputin attending that meeting while Jacinda herself is engaged in Europe on a foreign policy trip? Why the reversal of roles? Is Nanaia at CHOGM an exercise in co-governance? Is she our head of government when it suits her? I’ve seen no mention of this odd reversal of roles in any MSM. What is going to happen as Labour continues to slide in the polls and an election gets closer? Is the MSM just going to become Jacinda’s cheerleader? To date this hasn’t happened entirely; several journalists still earn their keep by holding the government to account. But how long will it stay that way? Till the Fund runs out, at which point the boss will be back wanting more?

In the end this sinister drift towards authoritarianism in the name of fairness to Maori has to be sheeted home to the feeble quality of Labour’s current caucus. Did none of that slew of low-level lawyers raise questions about “Te Tiriti” let alone its use in a nation-wide move to undermine our constitution by way of co-governance? And about the semi take-over of the MSM that comes with strings attached to the Public Interest Journalism Fund? Co-governance is contrary to the real Treaty that was signed in 1840, contrary to our Bill of Rights, and to international conventions among those countries that believe in democracy. The Fund is contrary to customary democratic standards that govern the relationship between governments and the MSM outside of authoritarian regimes.

Do we need any further evidence that it’s high time Jacinda and her sneaky bunch of third-raters were put out to pasture? And surely the MSM should be big enough and ugly enough to fend for themselves without rushing to the government?

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John Hurley
John Hurley
Jun 26, 2022

I had a listen to Norm Kirk's Nationhood Speech at Waitangi and compared it to Jacinda's Matariki speech.

I'm still confused as to what Matariki is supposed to be about: "a time to reflect".

Remember the co-directors of her Center of Excellence are Spoonley and Kidman.

Among other things Spoonley was behind cultural saftey in nursing (the Penn Affair), so it shows where Labours loyalties lie.

Now dabble in the dark arts of Critical Theory; Post-colonial Theory; Critical Race Theory and read Recalling Aotearoa. There is definitely a big something there.

Jacinda says orgasmically: "I can tell you how it makes me feel".

I can tell you how it makes me feel: like Turanga (the Christchurch Central Library) -"why does…

Jun 26, 2022
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I think you have hit the nail on the head John. They are trying to abolish our identity. Language, culture, history and they are even starting to rename cities and streets. These seem like very small things but before you know it our culture will vanish. Maori cannot say we have not upheld their culture, it is everywhere.


Trevor Hughes
Trevor Hughes
Jun 26, 2022

Perhaps Mahuta's visit to Rwanda might open her eyes to what can happen when politicians manipulate ethnicity for personal gain?

Jun 26, 2022
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Doubtless she'll only see the inside of whatever passes for a 5 star hotel in Rawanda and the venue for the conference. If not she can always imagine, as she breezes past the Rwandan plebs in her limo that it will be similar for co-governance breezing passed the kiwi plebs.


Jun 26, 2022

The MSM collapse into a state of irrelevant mediocrity, is a bit of a chicken. egg situation.

If the standard of journalistic integrity and desire to serve the readers with concise, neutral analytical articles on current affairs was still a priority , then it would be reasonable to suggest their readership would not have taken such a nose dive and that their financial position would remain viable.

Jun 26, 2022
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they have taken the bait and drunk the koolaid, they are oblivious to the truth....


Jun 26, 2022

There is no doubt about it we are heading for a dictatorship. Ardern has captured the media. The media presenters are a pretty shallow thinking bunch just as she is. We don't have in- depth political shows headed by quality presenters any more, offering different viewpoints. That's simply because they don't want different viewpoints. People like Professor James Allan and Judge Anthony Willy have dissected He Puapua and concluded that it is a document that endeavours to change our whole system of governance. These are people who understand law, treatys and constitutional matters.

People who keep apologising for our politicians on either side of the house are wrong. It is incumbent upon these politicians to study these issues as they…

Jun 26, 2022
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correct 100% - its not rocket science, just the truth....


John May
John May
Jun 26, 2022

Whilst there are a multitude of small interest groups all essentially saying the same thing, isn't it time that we all got together and presented a united front? It's time for action folks. Cometh the moment, cometh the.... [Insert whatever gender spins your wheels!]

PS. The egos will need to be left at the door!

Jun 26, 2022
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The derogatory and paranoid backlash includes ageism.

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