When National became government in 2008, Finance Minister Bill English's determination to understand the extent of benefit-dependency led them to commission Taylor Fry to produce annual actuarial reports. These were duly published at the MSD website every year but ceased when the government changed in 2017. Now however, an Official Information request by the NZ Herald has revealed that the reports actually continued - only their publication ceased.
In my columns I have referred repeatedly to the worsening depth of dependency using the sole measure available - one solitary statistic published in MSD's annual reports not typically subject to public scrutiny.
So while I am not shocked by the content of the latest Taylor Fry report, the detail is staggering.
According to The Herald:
"... recipients of the main Jobseeker payment [are] now expected to spend an average of 13 years on a benefit."
"Sole Parent Support clients are projected to spend an average of 17 working-age years on a benefit (up from 12.5 years in 2019), but the upper quartile of this group – about 18,700 people – are expected to spend more than 25 years in the system."
"...about 2000 teens on the Youth Payment or Young Parent Payment [are] now expected to spend an average of 24 working-age years on a benefit – a 46 per cent increase from the 2019 estimate. About 500 of them are expected to be on income support for more than 38.5 years, almost the rest of their working lives."
Against a scenario of "record low unemployment" - which Labour leader Chris Hipkins campaigned vigorously on - these increases are unfathomable. Unless one weighs up the amount that benefit incomes have increased by over the same period. Unsurprisingly paying people more not to work means they stay on welfare longer. A child could figure that out.
That was compounded by a raft of actions which included diverting case managers away from an employment focus to checking beneficiaries were receiving their full and correct entitlements; abolishing early work requirements for sole mothers who added a subsequent child to an existing benefit; temporarily suspending medical certificate requirements and the annual jobseeker reapplications; significantly reducing the use of sanctions to enforce work obligations; and generally fostering a sense of entitlement due to gender and race victimhood.
In response to the discovery of these reports, former MSD minister Carmel Sepuloni says she did not recall being briefed on the research by officials.
She then had the utter gall to state:
“What these trends show are an absolute need to create and maintain sustainable pathways to employment … National have talked a big game in opposition and now they need to show us their plan to get people into work.”
"These trends" are the direct result of bad policies implemented by Sepuloni who then kept their devastating impact hidden.
Though it shouldn't be Sepuloni primarily carrying the can. It was the Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern who appointed Cindy Kiro to lead a bunch of leftist academics and activists to produce the most ill-advised welfare policy recommendations imaginable, many of which were implemented.
Ardern's unique brand of 'kindness' morphed quickly into cruel incompetence.
As Taylor Fry's analysis apparently suggests, people on benefits tend to have more precarious family, living and financial situations with worse life satisfaction and more contact with police and mental health services than they otherwise would.
Crucially, the longer people stay on welfare, the harder it is to get off.
Lindsay Mitchell blogs here
So all the caring an empathy actually 'help' people to adopt a poverty existence. Can someone please explain to me how that translates into kindness?
Ardern and her lieutenants, Hipkins,Robertson, Sepuloni,Woods, Little, Parker etc etc etc etc needs to be brought in front of a court of law. There was definitely a hidden agenda here because any greenhorn on earth with a normal mind could have run the nation more competently than this treacherous squad
The facts are proven. The longer families stay on welfare, the worse it gets. Jacinda’s stated goal was to fix poverty - but we know welfare entrenches poverty. Not just financial poverty but all-of-life poverty too. Great research here by Lindsay shows what a smoke & mirrors show the previous Govt ran. Simply disgusting. Tragic and morally bankrupt too. Shame on Jabcinda, hypocritical smiling charlatan.
The party must be over. It must be less painful to work than to be on benefits. If you are needy then the benefits should be there but the criteria for needy needs to be absolutely clear. There should be no benefits for the lazy or greedy. None at all. If you have been on benefits for years and are finding it hard to get off them tell someone who cares and blame Cindy!
Of course they hid it.
It's because they never had a clue in the first place of how to repair it.
Elastoplat and sellotape anyone?
The damage, the outright and deliberately obtuse lies I've witnessed that embarrassment of A previous government Spout out would see them thrown into a padded cell for lunacy and treason against the spirit of this country.
They'll look you straight in the face and tell you you're wrong. Scold you, call you names,,tell lies, and without any authority given from us resort to their Bible of insults.
Jesus. Really. These people are so piss poor pathetic and stupid its hard to believe they've the ability to put one foot in front of the other..