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Like most people, I was getting heartily sick of all the time being wasted over the coalition negotiations. During the first three weeks Winston grinned like a Cheshire cat, certain he’d be needed; Chris Luxon wasted time in lifting the phone to Winston and, still in campaign mode, visited the Chelsea Sugar Works rather than cementing his numbers in place. Even in the weeks after the final results it took time before the leading trio seemed to be in purposeful mode.

But then came the announcement on Friday 24 November, forty days after the election. A credible ministry with one or two over-burdened ministers, and two separate agreements, one with ACT, the other with New Zealand First, each of them is worthy of careful analysis. The first and obvious conclusion is that the agreements reflect genuine give-and-take. ACT which deserved the Deputy Prime Ministership agreed to share the position, but made some significant gains, with support from the other two, to reduce regulations, pare back the public service that was allowed to grow at a crazy rate under Ardern and Hipkins, narrow the Reserve Bank’s remit to focusing on price stability, and to repeal the clumsy Spatial Planning and Natural and Built Environment Acts. In the areas of RMA reform, tenancy law, agriculture, natural resources, education and health, ACT’s influence is obvious. New Zealand First’s clout is more evident in their insistence on tackling school truancy and their overly generous policies towards seniors like keeping the superannuation age at 65 when it could quite sensibly be lifted in small steps to 68 or higher with little adverse effect. There is already provision for early retirement for those with special needs. Both ACT and New Zealand First favour abolition of the separatist Maori Health Authority, an end to co-governance, and a careful review of the out-of-control industry currently pushing He Puapua and expanding the “principles” of the Treaty of Waitangi.

This was our tenth MMP election and it’s the first ministry to have put together what looks like a fairly carefully balanced template for government. As the disciples of Roger Douglas, ACT is more concerned about economic growth and removing the complex and multi-layered impediments put in its way by the Ardern-Hipkins Labour government. National seems to have shown flexibility in negotiations over productivity, government spending and over lifting levels of law and order. The new cabinet make-up distributes jobs reasonably fairly with a reservation about a seemingly overloaded Nicola Willis who has responsibility both for Finance and the grotesquely under-performing Public Service. Simeon Brown and Paul Goldsmith are carrying large burdens as well, while one or two junior ministers seem to have little work.

But having said that, I think the agreements look sound and the ministry as good as could be expected from the new Parliament. The public reaction hasn’t been entirely positive and doesn’t suggest an easy ride for Chris Luxon. Setting aside some snide remarks from the hopelessly discredited Labour Party (the party of Micky Savage, Peter Fraser and Helen Clark that managed only to scrape up 26% of the party vote) there have been discordant notes being amplified by the two television stations. Radio New Zealand has found air time for them too. All of them played Labour’s games for so long that their political journalists came to believe Labour’s policies were theirs to protect. Right now, mischief is being brewed by the Maori Party and the Greens who have become latter day devotees of the now unlamented former Soviet Union with their economic policies, and outright racists with their social policies. As the new ministry goes about improving our economic performance and legislating equal rights for all New Zealanders, those who favour special privileges for themselves and anyone with a Maori ancestor will try a variety of tactics from breaking parliamentary protocols to marching in the streets. There have already been threats of violence.

This will be the new ministry’s first test. Equal rights for all and special privileges for no one on the basis of ancestry. New Zealand’s once proud reputation for being a liberal democracy needs to be re-asserted. Chris Luxon, David Seymour and Winston Peters we are relying on you to stay strong in defence of the package you have put together.

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Nov 30, 2023



Nov 28, 2023

What was quite apparent during the disgusting reign of the red horse is the acceptable standards of not only central government but also local governments were rapidly trending downwards.

Journalism; whose collective fate depends on the performances they are engaged to report on have no choice but to attempt to make silk purses from sows ears.

After all at the end of the day, how much gloss can one put on a turd.

It certainly does not help either to have been trained in the tactics and illusions of Marxism, or the twisted belief in some ancient ideology.

But accepting 30 pieces of silver to assist with selling out not only the treaty of your homeland, but also the tribe,…

Nov 28, 2023
Replying to

It was just one continual line of dirty deeds..... and it was obvious there was going to be no end.

It now appears there is going to be a clean up by the incoming troops.

But will it get down deep enough is the burning question. From all accounts there are more than a few faint hearts among the newly chosen

If you dare to contaminate your basic instincts and want to destroy your day completely, hop across to 'Bowalley Rd' or 'The Standard'. (the bastions of utter bullshit)

Quite oblivious to realities and facts, the scumbags actually believe they were doing it right. They are bleating that all the work they have done is now going to be reversed.…


Nov 28, 2023

An aside? Certainly the first of many wokes shipping out?

I certainly hope so.

NZ On Air board member offers resignation after criticising Peters

Andrew Shaw, a television veteran who served on the board of NZ On Air, has reigned after criticising Winston Peters. In a post on LinkedIn, Shaw called Peters “malicious” and thuggish. Shaw’s comments were in repose to Peters’ ongoing attacks against reporters, which stem from the NZ On Air administered Public Interest Journalism Fund. Shaw told Stuff those comments were in his capacity as a “private citizen”, but he has since had to resign from the board of NZ On Air. As a Crown Entity, the board of NZ On Air are meant to be politicall…

Nov 28, 2023
Replying to

Good riddance !!!! Many more to go !!! It was blatant bribery and corruption by any other name .


Nov 28, 2023

Now there is another case of strange police interference, arrest and charges! From FSU:

"Following Jonathan’s email to you yesterday morning, we’ve had another protestor from Saturday contact us to say that he was also arrested, seemingly under similar circumstances.

However, unlike Lucy, he wasn’t just detained- he has been charged. He will be in court on Thursday.

Rest assured, the Free Speech Union will be there to provide pro bono. From the information we have received, we see no reason to think his actions were in any way beyond what is protected by all New Zealander’s right to free speech.

We are concerned there appears to be a pattern emerging here of police disregard for the right for…

Nov 28, 2023
Replying to

The Police Commissioner should be asked to explain and show just cause.

Is there something radically wrong with how the law is being interpreted or is someone in a uniform being an arsehole.

More importantly, can the Courts be used to push a agenda that is contrary to our human rights.

And if you happen to pass this crap by an old dude, he would immediately respond with.... someone is running a racket.

You could well find it has existed in various palm greasing forms buried in the proceeds of Law and law enforcement in various ways and means for 40 years or more..

Another inquiry..... ? goodness me! ...., and yet another buck for those unscrupulous pricks in th…


Nov 27, 2023
Nov 28, 2023
Replying to

Shame on you Aaron. The poor wee lass is going through a period of readjustment !!!!!

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