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On the passing of the Queen

The following was written by Don Brash in his capacity as Trustee for Hobson's Pledge.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth has passed away, and the overwhelming majority of people in New Zealand mourn her passing.

Not, of course, because her death was unexpected, or a tragedy in the ordinary sense of that word: at the age of 96 and increasingly suffering “mobility issues”, she had outlived the great majority of her subjects by at least a decade and was able to perform her royal duties right up to the end. Not for her, prolonged physical incapacity or mental decline. Just hours before her passing, she asked Liz Truss, the new Leader of the Conservative Party, to form a new British Government.

But mourn her passing we do because she was, for seven decades, not only the Head of State of New Zealand but the wise and mature head of the Commonwealth, that loose agglomeration of countries which at one time or another were ruled by the United Kingdom.

I had the privilege of meeting Her Majesty, albeit briefly. I had a more substantial meeting with her son, now King Charles, when he visited New Zealand in the early nineties. Contrary to his public image perhaps, I found him to be quite remarkably well-informed, or at least very well-briefed. We conducted a well-informed conversation about monetary policy when I was Governor of our central bank.

It is sad, but perhaps inevitable, that those who would divide us into those with some Maori ancestry and those without want to mark the Queen’s passing, with snide and unbalanced comments about her legacy.

Marama Davidson, the Co-Leader of the Greens, speaking in Parliament earlier in the week, couldn’t resist referring to “the role of the monarchy in oppressing the power of others, including here and countries around the world”.

Rawiri Waititi, the Co-Leader of the Maori Party, argued “we must always speak our authentic truth: the British Empire and the power of its monarchy was built of stolen whenua, stolen resources, and stolen taonga”.

The clear message is that Maori New Zealanders would have been better off had British colonists never arrived, and had Queen Victoria never agreed to the Treaty of Waitangi being signed.

And of course that has to be the most arrant nonsense. One doesn’t have to believe that everything the early colonists did was inspired by a virtuous concern for the Maori people – clearly it was not – to recognise that the arrival of British settlers in New Zealand and the framework of British law that they brought with them, were of enormous benefit to the Maori people.

Over the next few years, it is inevitable that we will discuss the role of the Crown in the future of New Zealand, but it is vital that in doing that we are honest and accurate about the benefits which our relationship with the Crown has brought.

One hundred years after the Treaty of Waitangi was signed, Sir Apirana Ngata, one of the greatest Maori leaders who has ever lived, and a man whose portrait I was privileged to put on the $50 bank note when I was Governor of the Reserve Bank, celebrated the Treaty in these words:

What remains of the Treaty of Waitangi? What is there in the Treaty that the Maori can today celebrate whole-heartedly with you? Let me say one thing: Clause 1 of the Treaty handed over the mana and the sovereignty of New Zealand to Queen Victoria and her descendants forever, that is the outstanding fact today. That but for the shield of the sovereignty handed over to her majesty and her descendants I doubt whether there would be a free Maori race in New Zealand today…. I doubt whether any native race has been so well treated by a European people as the Maori of New Zealand.

More than 80 years further down the track, successive New Zealand governments have recognised that there have been instances where wrongs were done; and at Hobson’s Pledge we have always supported a careful assessment of those wrongs, with compensation being paid where a reasonable case can be made that that is appropriate.

But, even as those past wrongs are acknowledged, it is imperative that we don’t accept the nonsense that the arrival of British settlers was, on balance, disadvantageous to the Maori people. British settlers brought the rule of law, the English language, the wheel, metal tools, written language, an end to slavery and cannibalism, sheep, cattle and horses, all of which were of enormous benefit to the Maori people.

We dare not allow the future of New Zealand to be adversely affected by a grossly misinformed and distorted contempt for our history. There is an opportunity now, as we reflect on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and look forward to our next election, to be sure that we are not distracted by distortions and misrepresentations.

In 2004, as Leader of the National Party, I gave a speech to the Orewa Rotary Club which is as relevant today as it was then. You can read it here.

It was with this vision and hope for New Zealand’s future that Hobson' Pledge was founded in 2016. With your support, we will continue to advocate for the protection of our democracy and equal rights before the law for all.

Thank you for your support.

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50 comentários

Tukairangi Ball
19 de set. de 2022

I have a contrary view to most (all) here which will undoubtedly raise the ire of the deluded. When you learn about the Queen, what she was, and what she and her clans have done including unspeakable crimes against humanity and children, you will encounter cognitive dissonance and once it sinks in, abject distain. How quickly you forget about Andrew's connections to Epstein and Maxwell, and what they did (pedophiles), Charlie's best mate Jimmy Saville (another pedophile), and so on. Is there a theme here? Who protected them? She was not only bad for Maori, but for Paheka and others, except for her own, the world over. As one time Governor of the Reserve Bank, you would know how muc…

22 de set. de 2022
Respondendo a

Please tell us what happened to them?


Marshal Gebbie
Marshal Gebbie
18 de set. de 2022


That Epidemic Contagion....Idiocy!

Conspicuously stupid with smart undertone

Is the trait of dystopian mankind, alone.

Behaviorally infectious, totally unsound,

Sociologically rooted and collectively bound

Where the best and the worst all globally group

Midst that loud Machiavellian Boy Scout Troup

All ideologically reckoned as the worst of their kin

Being Trump, Bolsanaro, Kim Jong Il and Putin…..

Racing back to the Stone Age to critical mass

Calling “freedom” and “human rights”, an ass…..

All cultures and creeds reach low tipping point

Where delusional madness inherits the joint,

Where they all buy bitcoin to shoot for the stars

And end up debunked on real estate…Mars?



Midst the clamor and cacophony of my fellow man!

September 18 2022


17 de set. de 2022

Thanks Don.

May Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II rest in peace.

God save the King.

18 de set. de 2022
Respondendo a

... because no one else will!!!

In my view, Charlie should perhaps, at most, hold the wheel for 1-2 months then pass it on to Willy. Reason, Charlie is tainted goods, so much water under the bridge that can not be undone. But in addition, worse is that he supports the globalist agenda and the WEF goals and desires, perhaps he does not understand what they are but he does anyway.

Maybe, Willy presents a better, cleaner and new option?


Marshal Gebbie
Marshal Gebbie
17 de set. de 2022

The wise Maori, in our midst, count their blessings and progress well in our homogeneous society, the unwise....well, don't!

We will pick our way through the current unrest, we will weed out the troublemakers and rid ourselves of the pretenders. We know who they are.

Essentially it is prudent to periodically remind ourselves that, sometimes, it is better that old bones remain buried.

God bless the Queen and save our new King.

18 de set. de 2022
Respondendo a

There is no point in blaming those who were not there nor even related...

A saying, about glass houses and stones seems to apply rather appropriately.

Recently, saw a photo of a Japanese baby sitting, the background was Nagasaki 1945 and the slogan was "you owe for what your parents did". The irony was that: - firstly, that the baby was not alive when the bomb was dropped, somehow a relative or two of past generations survived, second perhaps it is just because Japanese that owe everyone else? thirdly, the irony is that both sides dished out some terrible stuff to each other, arguably, both sides are better of since than before, lastly, the the background image makes it all…


17 de set. de 2022

All these bullshit come white maoris don't realise what they are doing is potenailly going to take us to some form of violent outcome with neither side winning, talking to two older 6 generation Barrier Islanders last night they are in their eighties, all they see is their grand children and children been immersed in blood and violence, the irony is their daughter in law is maori, and for her the tribal bullshit is driving her to the point of revenge against the local iwi, things are starting to happen in this country that are not been picked up by the media, when will we see our first blood letting concerning tribalism?

Tukairangi Ball
20 de set. de 2022
Respondendo a

Well, judging by your post, I expect there going to be a lot of politicians, medical professionals, media hacks et al lining up for trials soon. Storm is here

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