We've had Quote of the Day, Cartoon of the Day so why not finish the trifecta with Opinion of the Day.
Peter Williams, Magic Talk host, sounds a warning about He Puapua and the threat the plan poses to New Zealand's parliamentary democracy.
"As Winston Churchill once said, apparently, “no-one pretends democracy is perfect. In fact, it has been said that democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.”
But the question I think we should be asking in this country is this: is democracy under threat? Now, on the surface, that sounds like an absolutely preposterous proposition. After all, we are a long-standing democracy based on the Westminster or British system of letting the people decide who should govern them. We had our first elections in this country in 1853. They were not perfect though because only property owners could vote.
Over the next 40 years that changed and evolved and by 1893, when women were granted the vote, every New Zealand person aged 21 or older could vote for one nationwide parliament and for local councils. And so, for 128 years, that is the way New Zealand has been governed. We get to vote, and every vote has been of equal value. And theoretically, the majority decides the direction of travel. But are we seeing that system under threat?"
I work in a government branch which is already seeing this in action. Maori are accorded special privileges, special rights and special roles.
In those roles, we employ staff based on their race alone. While a person of Maori descent can fill any role, *only* a Maori can fill Maori-assigned roles.
Will someone please explain to me how this is NOT apartheid?
Hobson’s Pledge, not Choice (Freud confirmed!).
This very real threat to democracy in New Zealand demands a concerted effort by those opposed to it. All those people who voted Labour last election need to wake up to the fact that the old Labour Party no longer exists. it is now a politically correct, woke, super-liberal group determined to change NZ forever by granting Maori New Zealanders a power which no-one else will have - the antithesis of democrac. We all must join Hobson’s Choice and put pressure on the National Party to take a strong stand. It all actually started with Doug Graham and the “It’ll only be a billion dollars” Treaty settlement package, compounded by John Key’s short term thinking. To see a former Nat,…
John Hurley
"Scientific research is deeply implicated in the forms of colonialism" - Linda Smith. I'm surprised Maori lower themselves to be associated with the Royal Society
Royal Society Te Apārangi
John Hurley Tēnā koe. Royal Society Te Apārangi Pou Tiaki Kahu Hotere and myself Tarah Nikora Tumu Tūhonohono send he tono an invitation to hui with you kanohi ki te kanohi to kōrero about your raruraru with our kaupapa, mahi and whare. Ngā mihi Tarah Nikora.
Sue Rasmussen
John Hurley Just curious.
What's that comment based on? Your vast knowledge of scientific research, colonialism or Maori?
John Hurley
Scientific Research Deeply Implicated in the Forms of Colonialism
Please all, view NZCPR Muriel Newman's recent newsletter covering exactly this very, very serious threat. It also has a link to sign the Declaration of Equality. Please all, take the time to read her most recent article, Defending Our Democracy, on her website. We need to awaken the sleeping masses.