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Writer's pictureRodney Hide

RODNEY HIDE: The Women Haters

The Olympics put two men in the boxing ring against the women and called it sport. They expected us to watch it for the entertainment. It was horrific.

The Olympic Officials hit back on the outrage defending both their decision and the men boxers. They sought to make the men boxers the victims. We were dismissed as bigots.

Putting men into the boxing ring with women is supposedly inclusive. It is not. It is women hating. No one would sanction those fights who cared for women and for women’s sports.

It is violence by men against women. It is not sport.

The women fighters could easily have been permanently injured or killed.

You can put a man in a dress. He’s still a man. You can dress misogyny in inclusion. It is still misogyny.

Our overlords hate women. They are out to destroy them. There is no other way to view what is happening.

They are women haters. They are men haters too. And they hate transvestites. Why else would they go to such lengths to stigmatise transvestites through their women hatred.

But it is deeper than that. They love power. And to have that power they must weaken us. Hence them telling us lies as truth. Vice as virtue. Up as down. And day as night.

Women hatred? How about this one?

At 18 Pierre John Parsons tied up a 12-year-old girl in a public toilet and violently raped her.

Parsons admitted having sex with a disabled teenager and molesting a 4-year-old.

But Parsons has transitioned to a woman. And so the authorities all the way down to the Otago Daily times refer to Parsons as she, as in, “she tied up a 12-year-old girl in a public toilet and violently raped her”.

No she didn’t. He did.

See the trick? Woman rapist. Nope. Man rapist. Parsons is no more Trans than I am a one hundred metre world sprint champion. He’s a sexual predator and opportunist.

Let’s say it bluntly. Parsons is illustrative of the opportunist rapist Prime Minister Luxon is inviting into our wives’ and daughters’ changing rooms and toilets. And indeed, Luxon is using the power of the state to stop us men and the police from using necessary force to stop them.

It is Luxon because he could put an end to the madness today — if he chose to.

We can’t. We will do what it takes to protect our womenfolk. But that means jail for us.

There was a lovely lady in my electorate who opened her house up each month as a safe place for transvestites to meet and share concerns. I had a standing invitation as the local MP. Some months my best evenings were spent at these meetings.

The transvestites were without doubt the most empathetic, sweetest souls I have ever met. Their world made my world seem easy and trouble free. Many were prostitutes. They were constantly abused by men.

This was 20 years ago. I was taken aside and warned of the radicals hijacking the transvestite cause for political purposes. I didn’t understand the warning. I do now.

I got very close to Georgina Beyer. We would train together for charity dances. I would lift her up over my head with her terrified I would drop her. I never did. We had so much fun and became good friends. This was when the Labour Party had fallen out of love with her and she had fallen out of love with the party.

We never talked about transgenderism in all that time. It just wasn’t a thing. But she never ever said she was a woman. She knew exactly who she was. She was a man who desperately wanted to be a woman. She was very respectful of both men and women.

I liked her and enjoyed her company very much. I tell all this to explain that transvestites are very much victims of the ideological inclusion cult. We all are. Transvestites are suffering the blow back from opportunist rapists declaring themselves women and dud sportsmen who get a thrill out of beating women and destroying their sport.

The Olympics are women hating top to bottom. So is our government and corporations touting their inclusion credentials. They will say they are not. But we see the male boxers beating women and the pedophile rapists being allowed into female toilets and changing rooms.

Oh there are those who just want to keep their job and be socially accepted. But that doesn’t excuse them. They put their jobs and social status above the prevention of serious harm to women and girls.

We all need to put on our brave pants and stick up for women. Women too need to do it. And Chris Luxon needs to find a pair.

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