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The recent political poll announced at the weekend told us that Jacinda Ardern’s support, and that of her government in the wider community remains high. Given Covid and the high publicity surrounding Ardern’s every movement, this isn’t altogether surprising. Virtually all the editorial writers in the country, and even the Listener, support her in one way or another, either outright with their observations, or by suppressing counter arguments. And while a couple of TV political analysts have recently criticised the government’s conduct on several fronts, the tone of reporting has been generally supportive.

However, the question that Newshub-Reid asked about race relations, answers to which have so excited reporters since the poll results, was so badly worded that I doubt much can be made of the result. “Do you think Labour is being separatist?” was the question asked. Nearly 19% didn’t know. And I’m not surprised. It requires more than the average level of interest in race relations to know what it means. A more telling response might have come to specific questions like: 1. “Should the Maori Health Authority be given veto power over key public health decisions for all New Zealanders?” 2. "Should iwi be given equal management rights with elected authorities over water?” 3. “Should new Maori businesses receive government funding ahead of Pakeha businesses?” 4. “Should Maori housing needs be given priority over equally needy families of other races?” These questions could have been asked. At least respondents would have known what the pollster was talking about. As it is, results to the question asked by Newshub-Reid were virtually worthless. And they certainly weren’t sufficient to justify the media drum beat for a new National Party leader.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not a National Party supporter nor a wild-eyed fan of Judith Collins. But she has, belatedly, raised legitimate questions about whether Jacinda Ardern and her colleagues have a separatist agenda they didn’t mention at election time and still aren’t prepared to share with the public. Careful scrutiny of announcements from the government suggest Labour is busy pouring resources over Maori in preference to other races in this country. As I’ve pointed out before, this runs counter to Labour Party traditions which have always been that public policy should be racially neutral. The reason for this is obvious. Need, not race, should decide entitlement to public assistance. While some Maori – possibly more than 30% - need assistance with access to healthcare, housing etc, many do not. People who can provide for themselves should not receive benefits simply because of the colour of their skin. Judith Collins is absolutely right to raise the issue.

Perhaps the biggest problem we face on racial issues is that sensitivity to them, and knowledge about the dangers if public policy favours one race over another, are today at a low ebb. The Springbok Tour of New Zealand which gripped the nation because black players were not eligible to play for South Africa’s national team occurred 40 years ago. Apartheid where 11% of South Africans ruled over the other 89% collapsed 27 years ago. More significantly, the teaching of world history has largely vanished, and if Jacinda Ardern’s plans for our new history curriculum transpire, few young people will ever find out about the evils that can be visited on majorities as well as minorities when one race or another exercises power that is not democratically based.

Ardern loves preaching her mantra about “being kind”. Having lived in the American South for several years during the civil rights era, and visited South Africa three times during the years of Apartheid, I have seen the evils of racial discrimination first hand. Believe me, there was nothing kind about it. When power is given to people on the basis of their skin colour the results can be frightening, and the injustices visited on innocent and deprived people are endless.

Little steps in the direction of racial discrimination have almost always led on to policy entrenchment and separation over wider areas of life – everything from access to hospitals, beaches, even toilets. There is no surer way ultimately to foster protest, and risk terrorism, than to embark on well-intentioned but careless racial policy. The United Nations recognized this 75 years ago; our own civil rights legislation, and Article 3 of the Treaty of Waitangi which was signed 181 years ago, acknowledged it. All races in New Zealand possess equal rights; special privileges to any one of them are a danger to us all. Need, not race, should always determine public assistance.

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Peter Hemmingson
Peter Hemmingson
May 20, 2021

All that's required is a leader and political party that will act as a lightning rod for the 80 percenters, Coming back to have a crack, Rodders? Those whom John Ansell refers to as "the team of four million." DISMANTLING TREATYISM The TOW only has legal effect to the extent that it has been incorporated into domestic statute. It is not a binding treaty in international law because no body politic capable of ceding sovereignty existed in 1840. Steps to dismantle the edifice of Treatyism: 1] Abolition of the racist Maori seats. [2] Removal of all references to race/cultural affiliation/ethnicity from the statute books. [3] Removal of all references to the TOW and its fabricated "principles" from the statute books. [4] Legislation making…

Ray Stevenson
Ray Stevenson
May 20, 2021
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Nothing like the truth Peter ,thank you .


May 20, 2021

A media, supportive of the racially selective government and the acquisitive initiatives of the part-Maori Iwi while suppressing Free Speech by ignoring counter opinions, has New Zealand in the state of Jews in Goebbel’s Nazi era. That and the continued suppression of our history at official levels are the main causes of the loss of our opdemocratic rights The apathy of the 85% Silent Majority Is due to a Woke media’s wayward reportage and their dismissal of facts.

Bryan Johnson, Omokoroa


Peter Hemmingson
Peter Hemmingson
May 20, 2021

Black American political economist, Thomas Sowell – one the most important though largely unsung public intellectuals of the last 100 years – had this to say about ethnocentric part-Maori and their white liberal stooges:

"Anyone who studies the history of ideas should notice how much more often people on the political left, more so than others, denigrate and demonise those who disagree with them — instead of answering their arguments."

“One of the painful signs of years of dumbed-down education is how many people are unable to make a coherent argument. They can vent their emotions, question other people's motives, make bold assertions, repeat slogans-- anything except reason.” When brown supremacist part-Maori refer to ‘racism’ what they actually mean is…


May 19, 2021

Michael Basset writes:

"Little steps in the direction of racial discrimination have almost always led on to policy entrenchment and separation over wider areas of life – everything from access to hospitals, beaches, even toilets".

The last para is absurd if it is read literally.

Though certain groups of entitled beach property owners (both Maori and Pakeha) might attempt and some times do restrict beach public access ... separate hospitals and toilets! ... ain't evah gunna happen ... ehh?

The rabid unthinking racist dog-whistling of Basset et al take no account of people like moi ... who have greater faith in the balance and good sense of ordinary Kiwi's.

May 20, 2021
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Rumpole Bailey
Rumpole Bailey
May 19, 2021

Maori are the only race that consistently pull out the race card to achieve objectives they complain other races have imposed on Maori. I suspect that many non Maori will quietly decide not to enagage with Maori, eg not trade with or use Maori services so achieving the very thing Maori profess to complain of. Looking at global trouble spots and the people involved it is seldom the white privileged class that riot, loot, burn & murder but this may not continue and I perceive the US will see the white right take revenge if the current divisive and corrupt establishment continues its current policies. When people of whatever race do things like violently riot and claim its justified they…

May 20, 2021
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