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Thought for the Day

At least Christopher Luxon WENT to Te Puke, albeit a week earlier. In 1997 when a group of National MPs were planning to topple Prime Minister Jim Bolger, but didn't want to signal what they were up to, they called themselves “the Te Puke By-pass Committee”.
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Jul 27, 2022

I’m sorry, but Luxon, is repeatedly giving the media ammunition and then he compounds it by apparently grovelling at their feet. You can’t appease them and you will never be their mate. If he can’t fathom that out we are lost. He’s better to keep his mouth shut because they distort whatever you say. The abortion announcement- why did he even say anything- it happened in US. These people are not nice and dont play nice - the days of John Key are long gone , it doesn’t matter who you are if you’re National. And is someone in his comms team an infiltrator? Get people who know what they are doing for goodness sake. If Seymour can get …

Jul 30, 2022
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I agree with everything you say about Seymour and his Covid response- weren’t they all singing from the same hymn sheet on that? Apart from Simon Bridges...The majority of the voters seemed to feel that way too sadly and David is good at reading the room. I don’t agree with the response after the initial border control when we began to see what we were dealing with. However he DOES seem to know how to handle the press or they leave him alone as he is less of a threat. I’m not sure why they beat up on National its beyond rational actually -it’s a rabid, froth at the mouth reflex. Hopefully people will wise up to the media and…


W deVries
W deVries
Jul 27, 2022

Someone quoted Jacinda Adern : "We are equally human and from time to time we will make mistakes." QUESTION: "We are equally human..." does that include the 'river of filth'? Or is hate speech only hateful if it's from right-of-centre?


Jul 27, 2022

Laughable. The media baying like rabid dogs all wanting a piece of Luxons credibility.

Where are they when issues important to the future of this country need to be vigorously reported on. For instance :

Redefining the Treaty,

3 waters,

Co governance,

He puapua,

Separatist health system,

Cleansed history teaching,

Handing over crown land,

Jobs for the family. And more.

Oh yes that is protected by the 55 million dollar media slush fund.

The woke agenda moved on even further today While crime is rampant with ram raids, drive by shootings and general crime out of control what are the police doing. Well according to Te Ao News today they are being taught basket weaving.


Jul 27, 2022

Jesus , is our media that hard up for stories ? Why don't THEY try telling the truth and do their job properly ? Politicians are meant to lie , thats why we elect them : they're bullflingers !

Jul 28, 2022
Replying to

They quite happily advertise that they are "The News Makers" - so they don't report anymore, they just make up click bait to appease the loony lefties.


Jul 27, 2022

Journalists in the country need to seriously get a life. Not sure how they live with themselves, going home after a day at the office, whining about nothing!

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