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TREMAIN: Anzac Day

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Apr 27, 2023

Sir Apirana Ngata said in a question to the Minister of Lands in parliament in 1919:

“under the present system of examination by Land Boards Māori applicants, whether returned soldiers or not, are placed at the bottom of the list, and there is certainly a prejudice against Māori applicants for Crown lands“. (NZPD 22 October 1919 p 685)

Apr 27, 2023

Does ANZAC day stand for anything any more, I really don't think so, the past has been forgotten.


Apr 25, 2023

You were made in Gods image to be an individual and to be charitable.

He did not create a State to nanny everyone and provide for everyone at the expense of others.

Hipkins is parasitic, as is his cabinet.

As for the Maori Battalion.... look at the reasons it was formed....

Then look within.

Then observe the crown that they were all struggling over was a false crown.

Hipkins and his ridiculous stupid ilk are still fighting over the rights to that crown. Obfuscating facts to coincide with what can only be termed a perception of self grandeur


Al Bourne
Al Bourne
Apr 25, 2023

Bit out of context I know . Can I suggest as many as possible write to their National MP in a similar vein

I sent the following to national MPs

It's building, take sides National A very generous Tauranga donor gave $43k so that the entire Bay of Plenty and Central North Island rural mailboxes will receive one of Julian Batchelor’s books. This money will go straight to our printer and the rural delivery company. Alastair

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Apr 27, 2023
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What a fucken disgrace, we beat the Krauts in 2 world wars, now we have one of the pricks funding the brown back stabbing traitors, and those arseholes in Wellington, we really are a screwed arsehole country in the south pacific.


Robert Mann
Robert Mann
Apr 25, 2023

Little is said on the REASONS for the past few decades of pitiful sheepishness about our mainstream British-derived culture, pretending that we can choose instead a 'Maadi' culture glimpsed by place-names like Otautahi & Tamaki-makaurau.

Part of the explanation is that recently Marxism has degenerated & broadened into 'cultural marxism' a la Marcuse – the aim being to claw down & shatter ALL traditional political structures, assuming that from the shambolic ashes will arise, at long last, the dream socialist society.

Classical Maori culture was characterised by tribal jealousy & treachery, intertribal warfare, slavery, and cannibalism. Many chiefs wanted to lead their people up out of that mire, and embraced Christianity, as well as persistently pleading for incorporation in…

Apr 25, 2023
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It is up to us to speak up, National pretty much agrees with this Maorification. To be fair, it's probably not all National MPs. Unfortunately, those MPs who are against the woke agenda are silenced.

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