Luxon.. living proof that Leadership isn’t earned on the backs of New Zealand workers but built from working alongside the people who want you as their Leader. This man is in need of a spine implant.. I fear the spine might reject him.
A punter with gumption would have by now figured out the best future form.
The one in the pink stripes has absolutely no hope, having been hobbling themselves for the past six years. Not a shit show in Hades
A traditional front runner (in Blue) has been showing no form for the race whatsoever. Exhibits self doubt, will be in the race but has no sense of direction either... save your money
The well known stayer, with a Silver Fern on the saddle, whilst always running up front, fades at the final post. Racing for 40 years and still running strong. Worth a punt.
The Favorite in Cyan Magenta has displayed good form but by past history has never been…
If people keep knocking Luxon, usually based on media-biased information because no one can know the reasons he does what he does, that will potentially split the vote and bring Labour back in again. Is that really what we want,?!
Luxon.. living proof that Leadership isn’t earned on the backs of New Zealand workers but built from working alongside the people who want you as their Leader. This man is in need of a spine implant.. I fear the spine might reject him.
Bloody great Tremain gave the loopey lefties something to grizzle about.
A punter with gumption would have by now figured out the best future form.
The one in the pink stripes has absolutely no hope, having been hobbling themselves for the past six years. Not a shit show in Hades
A traditional front runner (in Blue) has been showing no form for the race whatsoever. Exhibits self doubt, will be in the race but has no sense of direction either... save your money
The well known stayer, with a Silver Fern on the saddle, whilst always running up front, fades at the final post. Racing for 40 years and still running strong. Worth a punt.
The Favorite in Cyan Magenta has displayed good form but by past history has never been…
Anyone else out there who is concerned at the obvious lack of faith in Luxons ability and lack of purpose amongst so many?
If people keep knocking Luxon, usually based on media-biased information because no one can know the reasons he does what he does, that will potentially split the vote and bring Labour back in again. Is that really what we want,?!