Welcome to the 21 first century, the western world is falling to pieces in front of our eyes, people in general are dumb, what more does one have to say.
.Great illustration of the carnage. Ill constucted roads -poor materials used take forever to build and ready to crumble but built at Rolls Royce prices vs. the light rail lunacy @ $3o billion going from nowhere to nowhere for no body an absolute exercise in fiscal madness. This folks is NZ as you want it and if not the case then otherwise speak up and deal to the cretins responsible once and for all. A lot of this lunacy is justified and driven by the man made climate change B/S.claims.
Actually the Auckland Light Rail did not start being built on Friday. They only began the core (ground) testing phase which is a preliminary to starting the project. I have no idea how long this testing is supposed to last. The car in Tremain' s cartoon might actually get there before the project is started properly.😅
Welcome to the 21 first century, the western world is falling to pieces in front of our eyes, people in general are dumb, what more does one have to say.
.Great illustration of the carnage. Ill constucted roads -poor materials used take forever to build and ready to crumble but built at Rolls Royce prices vs. the light rail lunacy @ $3o billion going from nowhere to nowhere for no body an absolute exercise in fiscal madness. This folks is NZ as you want it and if not the case then otherwise speak up and deal to the cretins responsible once and for all. A lot of this lunacy is justified and driven by the man made climate change B/S.claims.
I'm a real fan of Light Rail in Tokyo, Sydney, Alice Springs, Whangamomona. MIght fit in Taihape or Paekakariki too..
Send the bill to the amateur politicians who promote such nonsense.
Actually the Auckland Light Rail did not start being built on Friday. They only began the core (ground) testing phase which is a preliminary to starting the project. I have no idea how long this testing is supposed to last. The car in Tremain' s cartoon might actually get there before the project is started properly.😅