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Apr 13, 2023

Parents are indeed part of the problem. They are reluctant to send their kids to school to learn some mishmash of history, Science, languages. Even if they want to send them privately, seems that big brother wants to also influence private schools. And who wants a kid going to school and coming home confused about their gender, suggesting they should engage a course of hormones and get organs removed in an evolving social experiment .

Apr 16, 2023
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Bazza you are right, except Parents, at least responsible Parents, are not "the problem", the problem is a woke bunch of societal misfits that have captured a broke Education system to ram misinformation and socialist propaganda forceably into the heads of innocent and defenseless children. Responsible parents are seeking proper redress and solutions to protect those children. Woke administrators should be out of a job and career terminating permanently banned from any similar engagement. Weak woke teachers who act as enablers, to this perversion should simply be sacked. A sound society needs sound values and these are not coming through the current education system.


Apr 13, 2023

It is a reflection of our society, if we do not demand high standards right across the board, we end up with a sloppy country, and that is what we have right.


Apr 13, 2023

I am from refugee European post war origin saw my father graduate at the age of 11 and 6 years later went to Uni myself we were fine. so are these lot of bed wetters other than attitude


Apr 13, 2023

Although from associated statistical data Maori are very much over represented in the school attendance nose dive, the trend is clearly much wider. Part of the reason has to be diminishing perception of the value of schooling generally, which has itself got to be in large part due to "enquiry learning" based teaching methods that the rest of the world has dropped as unfit for purpose still being pursued here. Perhaps also because the standards are now so low, with higher standards too much of a challenge to achieve without compromising socialist ideology, that it no longer matters much if a few days of school are missed here and there. Also perhaps because a strong message is being sent t…


Robin Gardiner
Robin Gardiner
Apr 13, 2023

To cure this problem the schools need to paid for attendance and not enrollment. Use vouchers and ONLY pay for attendance

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