I've made so many 'submissions'/directives/oppositions to parliament and every single one feels like an utter waste of time. I've made them as an individual, as part of a group, as part of a political party, doesn't make a difference. I've done ones that I've spent weeks on, and some that I've just thrown together at the last minute just to make a point. Not sure I'll bother any more.
Unknown member
Nov 30, 2022
Replying to
You had the tenacity and fortitude to write that submission. You weren't apathetic. You stood up.
You have the greatest gift. Independent thought.
And even if it got shredded?
You made your point.
And be proud of that. Of course they won't answer .
But your submission, and thousands of others, were read. And they are heard.
Just look at the reversal on the entrenchement of 5, 6 ,7, 8 waters? Good grief
Who knows anymore?
They did read your submission. And it's a tiny increment, but coupled together with everyone else that had the courage to make a submission, people like you do enact change.
I'm incredibly proud of what you, and fellow submitters have achieved. Maybe I shoul…
yeah welcome to my world.....they refused an oral submission despite it coming from a registered political party (Outdoors & Freedom) because we didn't support the bill. Despite putting in lots of alternative suggestions, despite pointing out the inconsistencies and the space for 'privatisation', allowing for corruption, the horribly convoluted incomprehensible language, the fact that it would allow for MORE borrowing and allow for borrowing in foreign currencies (not currently allowed in local govt) shows who might be behind this piece of trash. It would be interesting to find who originated and actually WROTE this.
Indeed, what is now perceived as "consultation" is a charade.
The decisions have already been made.Acceptance has already been promoted by proaganda, marketing and advertising (which we all paid for).The "consultation" is allowing people to disagree and object so that their objections can be better understood and dealt with by more propaganda.A lot of disagreement or objections could influence the people that have already made the decisions to slightly alter them or defer the implimentation temporarily but their minds are made up and that cannot be changed.Real consultation is a process that occurs when the opinions of the people are requested and considered before decisions are made.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. All this rhetoric is a waste of time. Labour was voted in democratically. So if they choose to completely stuff the country unfortunately it’s democratic. The rest is politics. So while it’s nice to know about all the nasty racist nails they are trying to put in the coffin, just relax and look forward to Xmas and then the lead up to their embarrassment next year. The repeals will be even more divisive. The damage done to Maori is incredible. I can’t imagine why several over zealous politicians thought they could steal a country. Perhaps they thought it was stolen from them? Even if it was, what sort of ar…
More chance of winning lotto then getting ones sub read.
I've made so many 'submissions'/directives/oppositions to parliament and every single one feels like an utter waste of time. I've made them as an individual, as part of a group, as part of a political party, doesn't make a difference. I've done ones that I've spent weeks on, and some that I've just thrown together at the last minute just to make a point. Not sure I'll bother any more.
yeah welcome to my world.....they refused an oral submission despite it coming from a registered political party (Outdoors & Freedom) because we didn't support the bill. Despite putting in lots of alternative suggestions, despite pointing out the inconsistencies and the space for 'privatisation', allowing for corruption, the horribly convoluted incomprehensible language, the fact that it would allow for MORE borrowing and allow for borrowing in foreign currencies (not currently allowed in local govt) shows who might be behind this piece of trash. It would be interesting to find who originated and actually WROTE this.
Indeed, what is now perceived as "consultation" is a charade.
The decisions have already been made. Acceptance has already been promoted by proaganda, marketing and advertising (which we all paid for). The "consultation" is allowing people to disagree and object so that their objections can be better understood and dealt with by more propaganda. A lot of disagreement or objections could influence the people that have already made the decisions to slightly alter them or defer the implimentation temporarily but their minds are made up and that cannot be changed. Real consultation is a process that occurs when the opinions of the people are requested and considered before decisions are made.
I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. All this rhetoric is a waste of time. Labour was voted in democratically. So if they choose to completely stuff the country unfortunately it’s democratic. The rest is politics. So while it’s nice to know about all the nasty racist nails they are trying to put in the coffin, just relax and look forward to Xmas and then the lead up to their embarrassment next year. The repeals will be even more divisive. The damage done to Maori is incredible. I can’t imagine why several over zealous politicians thought they could steal a country. Perhaps they thought it was stolen from them? Even if it was, what sort of ar…