Normally garrick tremains excellent cartoons give me a good giggle.
Not this one though.
It makes me cry with anger and anguish. These poor kids. Born and raised , by the Indolent, the useless, and the downright lazy are, from birth, on a road to nowhere. Entrapped in a never ending downward spiral that they have no chance of escaping. Their " caregivers " ( good grief, that's a euphemism for a useless lazy parent if ever I heard one) care not a whit for their welfare. These children are shamelessly used as a commodity to garner taxpayers cash that is not spent on their offspring, but instead is used for wanton self gratification.
Another well written statement. Don’t forget Tremains cartoons are drawn to encourage thoughts and comments This one has raised so many home truths. Glossed over by Cindy and her mob of Morons The vast majority of the children involved are of Māori and Pacifica race but No One mentions that because it’s called racism Since when has speaking and writing the truth been racist ! What it has become is an embarrassment to the Govt
In terms of bringing up kids, we seem to have lost the ability to observe and learn from the natural world around us and the way the young are brought up - many of us could learn a lot from sparrows.
Very true. When education doesn't fit society, society finds its own. The dumbing down of schooling so the lesser IQ'd society didn't offend their activist tier by lower grades has dumbed all down. Suitable schools with appropriate teaching by able teachers showed that most could be prepared for useful citizenship. Lesser abled women didn't have to have kids because they couldn't basic work.
While society and communities condone this shit it will just continue on, the people in power will only move when the vast majority of our society starts to really react, interesting did everyone see how very few white people were at the dairy protest, that tells me two things, one most white people don't give a shit until it affects them, and two white people are afraid to protest and be seen. As a mate of mine said New Zealanders are to bloody lazy to get off their arses, they are to complacent, only when they can't pay the bills or their businesses start to really fall over will they start to react, problem been it will be to late…
Normally garrick tremains excellent cartoons give me a good giggle.
Not this one though.
It makes me cry with anger and anguish. These poor kids. Born and raised , by the Indolent, the useless, and the downright lazy are, from birth, on a road to nowhere. Entrapped in a never ending downward spiral that they have no chance of escaping. Their " caregivers " ( good grief, that's a euphemism for a useless lazy parent if ever I heard one) care not a whit for their welfare. These children are shamelessly used as a commodity to garner taxpayers cash that is not spent on their offspring, but instead is used for wanton self gratification.
When the bloody hell will we…
In terms of bringing up kids, we seem to have lost the ability to observe and learn from the natural world around us and the way the young are brought up - many of us could learn a lot from sparrows.
Very true. When education doesn't fit society, society finds its own. The dumbing down of schooling so the lesser IQ'd society didn't offend their activist tier by lower grades has dumbed all down. Suitable schools with appropriate teaching by able teachers showed that most could be prepared for useful citizenship. Lesser abled women didn't have to have kids because they couldn't basic work.
Kindness is not a method of running a nation.
While society and communities condone this shit it will just continue on, the people in power will only move when the vast majority of our society starts to really react, interesting did everyone see how very few white people were at the dairy protest, that tells me two things, one most white people don't give a shit until it affects them, and two white people are afraid to protest and be seen. As a mate of mine said New Zealanders are to bloody lazy to get off their arses, they are to complacent, only when they can't pay the bills or their businesses start to really fall over will they start to react, problem been it will be to late…
A picture worth a thousand words. BUT SO SAD.