We will be knee deep in f...ed fan blades and unusable solar panels to such an extent those above feeble collectors of waste (fossil fueled or otherwise) will be of little value, let alone the final suppository for such mass stupidity.
All hail those holders in Degrees of nonsense or the PhD's that lead to such worthless science.
We need to start again.... at the beginning. With true values being the goals.
And I don't particularly care whether the stop- go signals are in Maori or Klingon
Yes,I've said before that the best sumnation of the situation is the old Southern saying "You can't clean the water til you get the pigs outta the creek"
The country is awash in waste! Wasted opportunities, wasted time, wasted education, wasted resources, wasted generations sitting on the dole, wasted money, wasted food, wasted materials, bad and poorly researched decision makers creating ever more waste.
Time to get rid of the waste makers, the namby pambies, the poor me's, the NIMBYS, the Marxists, the gangs, the greedies, the entitled, the never ending TOW grievance factory, the 'charities' that are charitable in name only, the inter generational 'do nothings' waiting for handouts, the inverted racists, the blatant racists, the rising tide of apartheid separatists, the ivory tower idealists, the civil libertarians and privacy activists, the woke brigade and all those sitting on their bottoms holding the country to ransom, …
Ironical ?
We will be knee deep in f...ed fan blades and unusable solar panels to such an extent those above feeble collectors of waste (fossil fueled or otherwise) will be of little value, let alone the final suppository for such mass stupidity.
All hail those holders in Degrees of nonsense or the PhD's that lead to such worthless science.
We need to start again.... at the beginning. With true values being the goals.
And I don't particularly care whether the stop- go signals are in Maori or Klingon
Yes,I've said before that the best sumnation of the situation is the old Southern saying "You can't clean the water til you get the pigs outta the creek"
It’s a matter of prioritisation. Those two should have been triaged to the front of the queue.
The country is awash in waste! Wasted opportunities, wasted time, wasted education, wasted resources, wasted generations sitting on the dole, wasted money, wasted food, wasted materials, bad and poorly researched decision makers creating ever more waste.
Time to get rid of the waste makers, the namby pambies, the poor me's, the NIMBYS, the Marxists, the gangs, the greedies, the entitled, the never ending TOW grievance factory, the 'charities' that are charitable in name only, the inter generational 'do nothings' waiting for handouts, the inverted racists, the blatant racists, the rising tide of apartheid separatists, the ivory tower idealists, the civil libertarians and privacy activists, the woke brigade and all those sitting on their bottoms holding the country to ransom, …
There's also Grrrreen waste and a host of amateur MP's.