Suppressing opinion is just the start of attempts to take it away
Having been involved with the political left in my youth and early adulthood, I had the same thoughts as Thomas More [“It continues to amaze me that ideals we used to think of as espoused by the political left have been abandoned by so-called "progressive" activists, freedom being just one of them”] as I read the Halfling's first-rate observations about the devaluation of the concept of freedom.
I came to realize that lurking beneath the veneer of freedom-articulation was an authoritarian substratum of believed infallibility. The evil of believed infallibility was captured by John Stuart Mill when he said, "[T]he opinion which it is attempted to suppress by authority may possibly be true. Those who desire to suppress it, of course deny its truth; but they are not infallible. They have no authority to decide the question for all mankind, and exclude every other person from the means of judging. To refuse a hearing to an opinion, because they are sure that it is false, is to assume that their certainty is the same thing as absolute certainty. All silencing of discussion is an assumption of infallibility." He added, a few lines later, that "[persons] who are accustomed to unlimited deference, usually feel this complete confidence in their own opinions on nearly all subjects."
The frequent portrayal by the commentariat of freedom as "somehow weird or subversive" that the Halfling writes about is an attempt to use the power of the voice they have to suppress opposing views by ridicule or worse, instead of engaging in rational debate.
Suppressing opposing views by “demonizing dissent,” to use the Halfling’s phrase, is a precursor to the use of violence to shut down voices not agreed with. We saw this graphically in the Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull (aka Posie Parker) disgrace, where some politicians and the media demonized Keen-Minshull, and the Albert Park violence perpetrated against her and woman there to hear her was the sequela.
World War II posed a tangible threat to physical freedom. Wondering why the concept of freedom is being more and more devalued, it has occurred to me that the further removed in time people are from the last time there was an existential threat to freedom from domination by a foreign power, the more they fail to realize that freedom is a precious commodity, the denial of which may start in small ways but imperceptibly extend into all facets of life in the absence of conscious efforts to sustain it.
This article was published at Gary Judd's substack
Co-governance is, or can be likened to a death race. Where two drivers get into their cars and race to an ultimate goal, each trying to get ahead of the other. Side by side for sometime, until one of the driver's decides bump the other off the track, and then claims total control.
Yep,"it has occurred to me that the further removed in time people are from the last time there was an existential threat .."
Hard men, make for good times,
Good times, make for soft men,
Soft mem, make for hard times,
Hard times, make for hard men,
.Hard men, ....Repeat
"A revised venue for a contentious anti co-governance talk in New Plymouth remains under wraps.
Pulled from the "illustrious MSM." ( Taranaki Daily News).
Please explain to me why the MSM dump on Julian as if he was the Devil incarnate, When his
meeting are bulldozed by vicious hateful thugs, that have absolutely no interest in the topics of the meetings.
No, they are just there to promote the underlying evil of their own masters.
The evil minority. By the way, co-governance is at present, illegal in NZ. Check it out.
Even the Electoral Commision are guilty of breaking that specific law.
Give me a break!
Look. I'll give it to you straight.
Freedom is the encapsulation of independent thought, and a discovery in ones life that this is how that how we should be, and act as humans. We are real, and , I, for one, have had a fucking titfull of this moronic fucking garbage that the left promote as a savior to all of our ills . Jesus wept . The very reason this country finds itself up shit creek is because weve been fed a diet of dependence for far to long and we need to divorce ourselves and this awful debilitating reliance and we need to make sure those we pay to do what we tell them we want the…
I just found this and really have to add it here as prime example of media's "coverage" of the Stop Co-Governance meetings. The first bit of footage is showing a woman rushing up and smashing Julian's laptop onto the concrete floor as hard as she could, then she also pushed his projector and other equipment to the ground. She also tried to smash the laptop a 2nd time but got stopped and then removed by police. Now the protestors are crying "assault" and not a word said of what really happened! Please read the Herald's text. Also please check out this FB Page that writes lies about the meetings basically every day, and here the Herald video is somehow twisted…